FAQ’s clients should know the answers to, Part 2…free consultations


In this installment of FAQ’s…I’ll discuss how we sign on new clients.

Once you contact us to inquire about our services and check our schedule for availability, we will set up a free consultation. Here’s what you can expect.

We meet you and your pets at your home, so we can get to know you and your pets on their turf, and assess if there are any aggression issues with your pet. We request that you have NO distractions, the meeting should only take about 30-45 minutes. Best to do it while your kids are in school. We set aside this time for you, so please, no TV or phones.

We provide information on our rates, policies, and references if requested.

We’ll go over the pets information, and all that we need to know, like where their food is kept, how much they eat, etc. We have a 2- page contract which details your emergency numbers, vet number, instructions, etc.

If needed, we will take a spare house key at this time, and payment up front. This is considered a deposit for the job, and most of it is refunded if you cancel before 24 hours prior to the first day of service. If you must cancel, please give us as much notice as possible, as we have blocked out that time for your pets.

If the first day of service is more than a week away, we’ll call a week prior to confirm your dates.

We look forward to meeting you and your sweet furry family members!



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